Leadership Live
What is Leadership Live?
Leadership is influence. As a leader you daily influence people: your friends, family, and others around you. You have the option to influence those people for good or for bad. In Leadership Live! you will be serving the summer with us at Wolf Mountain as we seek to help you learn and to put into practice the five components of leadership— discipline, wisdom, vision, humility, and initiative.
Our goal for you is to motivate you to live a life that is purposefully thought through, planned, and lived for the honor and glory of God.
Who Can Participate?
Leadership Live is designed for teens ages 15 (turning 16 that calendar year and have at least completed their freshman year of high school) to 18. We are looking for teens that are willing to learn and are interested in serving in ministry for the summer.
What Will I Be Doing?
You will have the opportunity to take the leadership principles you have learned and put them into practice in different areas behind the scenes around camp. There will be opportunities to work in the dining room area, dish washing, on grounds crew, with maintenance, and on projects around camp. Those who qualify may also have the opportunity to serve as a prayer partner with one of our college-age counselors. This would include getting to know the specific needs in that counselor’s cabin and praying for them. It could also include the opportunity to counsel campers from the Word of God.
What Are the Benefits?
Applying principles of leadership to life.
We will seek to help you live a life of a Godly leader through applying the principles of leadership to your life. We will challenge you in your spiritual walk and motivate you to base every decision you make on the Word of God.
Exposure to God’s work and the Bible.
Throughout the summer you will have a constant exposure to the Word of God. Through training, evening services, and Bible studies you will have the opportunity to consistently be challenged to grow in your spiritual life. You will also be able to see and hear of the wonderful work of the Lord in the lives of hundreds of campers throughout the whole summer.
Counseling-training and resources.
All of our Leadership Live! young people will also receive the same counseling tools and training that we give to our summer staff counselors. This includes the Counselor's Pocket Manual—a counseling handbook developed and produced by our team—and hours of counseling training on specific topics.
How Do I Apply?
Click the link below to apply online. We accept applications starting in September. We will process applications and contact those who have been accepted starting in January. We cannot make a final decision until your references have filled out their form and returned it to us.
If you are accepted, you will receive a registration form to fill out and return with a $50 registration fee which will apply toward your total cost of the Leadership Live program. The total cost for a first timer is $100.00. A veteran is able to attend at no cost.
What Are the Details?
Leadership Live starts the first day of staff training and ends the last day of summer camp every year. You can commit to come for the entire summer or apply for the first half or the last half.
We are excited about the possibility of serving with you for a summer in the future. If you have any questions please give us a call at (530) 273-8709 or email us at recruiting@wolfmountain.org
LL! Preview Option
Leadership Live! Preview is an opportunity for those entering 9th grade in September (at least 14 years old) and older to join us for 1 or 2 weeks to experience the Leadership Live! program. You will live and work with our Leadership Live! crew and get a taste of what the program is like. This option is based on available housing during the weeks offered. Please click the link below to let us know you’re interested in LL! Preview.