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Opportunities to Invest

Here at Wolf Mountain, we know that money is easy for God. We have quite a number of opportunities to invest in, and we know that with financial partners, we can increase the ability to minister to others. Check out the different categories below to see which area you would like to donate to.

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Horse Area

Donate to help with horse area improvements.

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Woman holding a box of clothes for donation


Get updates about needs and commit to help once a year.

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Setup giving on a regular basis that goes to help the operational needs of camp.


General Missions

General Missions Giving donations go toward helping staff members with specific needs.

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Help a camper get to camp by covering a portion of the cost!

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Camper Select

Our endowment fund goes directly to helping families in need send children to camp.

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Living Memorial

Give in memory of a loved one. Donations are recorded in our Living Memorial journal.

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Summer Staff

Our scholarship fund helps with college bills for those who have spent their summer in ministry with us.


Staff Support

To donate to a specific staff member, visit our staff page.

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